Friday, October 7, 2011

Apple Squeeze

Last weekend I made the 50 mile trek down to Steilacoom to enjoy the annual Apple Squeeze with Shelly and Matt (my sister and brother-in-law for anyone who may not know).  When Shelly first told me about the event I though, “what in the world is an Apple Squeeze?”  So if that’s what is going through your mind as you read, allow me to ease your wonderings.  An apple squeeze is when you squeeze the juice out of apples.  I know, super creative title.  I was almost annoyed it was so self explanatory.  Anyway, here’s a little back ground…
Steilacoom is an adorable little town a few miles south of Tacoma which finds its claim to fame as the “first incorporated town in Washington”.    There is one main downtown strip complete with a regal yet dainty Town Hall, quaint two seater barber shop, drug & hardware store turned café/ coffee house (that serves Sunday afternoon tea), and community park overlooking the Sound (aka water).  For those of you who are familiar with Gilmore Girls, it’s Stars Hallow’s twin sister.  (For those of you who aren’t, you’re missing out).  Upon arrival I learned the Apple Squeeze is a much anticipated town-wide festival.  They block off main street, set up booths selling an assortment of trinkets and goodies (most of which have something to do with apples), and serve apple pie, apple fritters, and apple cider inside Town Hall.  It would have been Johnny Appleseed’s paradise.  And the main attraction is of course the actual squeezing of apples.

For $6.75 experience seekers buy a sterilized one gallon plastic container, are assigned to a station and patiently await their turn to toss whole apples into the mouth of a man powered grinder.  The apple remains then fall into a holey bucket below and once filled, the bucket slides forward and a manual crank is used to press the flatten grinds, thus squeezing all the juice out of the ground apples.  The seeds and rinds are filtered out using a simple strainer and the pure apple juice is funneled into the overpriced container.  Just to clarify, when I say “man powered” and “manual” I mean do-it-yourself, not that someone is there doing it for you.  Which I think makes it all the more fun! (See video)  Overall, the squeezing process (including the machines) is something I’d expect to see in Williamsburg because it’s all so old-school colonial.  And the apple juice...holy cow… SO delicious!  Almost too sweet to drink before diluting with a little water…almost.  Or toss in a touch of cinnamon and nutmeg while on the stove and you get an unbelievably scrumptious cider.  If you ever have the opportunity to enjoy the quaint community feel of a small town apple squeeze, I highly recommend buying more than one gallon.  Mine is almost gone :)

In case you're like me and understand better with visuals :)


  1. Wow, well stated sister. You explained Steilacoom and the Apple Squeeze perfectly! Loved the shout out :)

  2. Haha, I love the Johnny Appleseed's paradise comment :)
    Also, that actually looks like a decent amount of work. I thought it was just a friendly turn, but it appears to there was some legitimate energy put into that. I understand why they would market it as a fun experience to have to do on your own :) good move on their part. and also I would imagine it would have a dash of satisfaction mixed in with that cinnamon and nutmeg :)
