Tuesday, January 31, 2012


Warning: What you are about to read is a very random collection of thoughts.
Being warm would easily make the list of my favorite things.  I'm not sure the three syllable phrase “being warm” fits very well into Julie Andrew's classic song, but I do like it a whole lot more than whiskers or kittens.  For Christmas my parents bought me a heated mattress pad.  I had heard Shelly (my sister) rave about how cozy it is to get into a warm bed after she bought one (for her half) a few months earlier. While affirming her enthusiasm, I thought a pre-heat button on a bed wasn't the most necessary of items because the goal is not to cook the person (or people) sleeping on it, and unlike an oven they eventually warm up.  That was until I put my Christmas gift to use.  Life changing might be a bit strong of a description, but it's close.  You know that saying people recite when they take your seat? "I was keeping it warm for you".  The heated mattress pad is like that, only not at all annoying and comes with out a creepy person laying in your bed making it warm.  Seriously, all you do is turn the heater on and it creates the perfect toasty cocoon each night.  Bed time is wonderful.
Also going along with the theme of useful items I was given at Christmas, socks make the list.  Not just any socks though.  Wool socks.  I had no idea what I was missing.  Although all of my shoes may be stretched out by the end of winter, wool socks make them so much more functional.  It’s kind of strange to wear what I would consider snowboarding gear around everyday, but I’ve gotten over that and said hello to toasty toes.
The most recent warming technique I’ve learned comes in the form of a room heated to 108 degrees, walls of mirrors, calming music, and a one centimeter thick roll-able mat.  Hot yoga.  My roommate Mackinzie loves hot yoga.  A few weeks ago I tagged along for one of the classes, mainly because I had never tried it and have heard mixed opinions.  I wanted to make my own opinions based on experience, instead of hearsay.  While I’m still undecided about my thoughts toward hot yoga as a whole, there is no denying it’s a workout.  That class may be the most I have ever sweat in one day.  Seriously.  Despite feeling like you’re becoming dehydrated by the second and walking out with a soaking wet sweat towel, I really enjoyed the power stretching.  It’s not often I’m legitimately warm from head to toe outside of my bed these days, so walking in to a literal sauna is pretty nice.  I’ll admit I was a bit cynical before trying it.  But hot yoga is actually a fun challenge while feeling like a total body detox.  Plus you get to be warm doing it.  Sounds like a win to me.
P.S. The picture is actually a postcard from Google images.  And thankfully those are not my socks. Mine don't have holes.  But taking a picture of my heating mattress pad, socks or hot yoga seemed weird.  So I didn't and you get the above image instead.


  1. Best post ever =) My parent's house gets really cold, so I used to use a heated mattress pad in the winter...love =) The only problem I found with it is that it was much harder to make myself get out of bed in the morning! It was just so toasty in there, I wanted to stay forever!


  2. I'm so glad you are enjoying the heating blanket as much as I do. It makes bedtime even better, as if going to bed needed extra incentive. Also, Linz told me a trick to wool socks. Since you only have so many pairs, she wears normal socks underneath her wool socks and then she doesn't have to wash them as often. Hopefully whoever else reads this comment doesn't think this is gross.
