Monday, March 12, 2012


Thanks to my roommate Chelsey, last weekend I was introduced to a new favorite spot.  It's called Discovery Park.  I'm going to call it an urban hiking oasis because once in the park you'd never know downtown Seattle is only a quick 10 minutes away.  Seriously, where outside of Santa Cruz can you find an escape with legitimate hiking trails, beautiful ocean views, and scenic greenery all around?  OK fine, this probably exists outside of northern CA and WA, but where ever else that might be I've never been so it doesn't count yet. (Side note: the views of the "ocean" below are actually of the Puget Sound. Pretty much the same :))  Anyway, three of our four roommates went on a mini adventure to explore the trails that lead down to the water.  We cataloged almost every step of the way, including the moment when Katie and I attempted to do a yoga pose on a wet, sandy log which lead to her almost doing a face plant as she fell.  As you'll see below I too almost tumbled off in extreme laughter.  Had she been hurt, it wouldn't be funny.  However, since she wasn't seriously injured I still break out in uncontrollable laughter every time I see the series of pictures.
For numerous reasons I can't wait for summer. Discovery Park is now apart of that excited anticipation.  The park will likely be crazy busy, but I'm thinking/ hoping convenience will out weigh crowds and result in continued discovery.

1 comment:

  1. I like this. A lot. And I like that it is essentially in your backyard. It looks so Washingtonian. Wonderful.
