Friday, November 4, 2011

Mt. Rainier

All time favorite mountain might be a bit strong, but to say Mt. Rainier qualifies to be in my top three all time favorites is complete truth.  I'm not sure what mountains would occupy the other two spots (although Yosemite mountains are in top contention), especially since I haven't seen all the mountains in the world (yet), but I'm happy to let Rainier claim a spot on the medal podium.  Growing up my mom, dad, sisters and I came to the Seattle area numerous times to visit my dad's side of the family. During those visits, a trip to hike or swim at Rainier was almost always on the agenda.  That's where my love starts.  Mt. Rainier holds great memories.
From the 520 Bridge across Lake Washington,
pictures just don't do it justice

While I haven't made it back that way since moving to Seattle, my captivation with the mountain has a new, more "adult" perspective.  Every time rain weighs down the (minimal) smog and the curtain of fog finally dissipates, mammoth Mt. Rainier appears overlooking the city.  Majestic is the only word I can think of that comes close to describing the sight.  It sits constantly picturesque with snow capped peaks seeming to levitate on the horizon due to low laying clouds hiding its base.  I wonder sometimes if I'll ever tire of seeing it in the distance; I can't image getting to that point.  Especially because right now every time I see Mt. Rainier I feel like the double rainbow guy - completely overwhelmed with the breathtaking awesomeness that is God's handiwork.  I'm left with nothing by awe. And a thankful heart to be getting a personal postcard from heaven on a (semi) daily basis.
P.S. If you have no idea what I mean by "the double rainbow guy", YouTube it.  You'll thank me for adding a laugh to your day and letting you in on the internet secret 31 million (and growing) other people have already experienced. 
I didn't take this one.  But I wish I could say I did.

1 comment:

  1. wow, I am impressed it ranks so high in spite of seeing the alps and other parts of the world. But I am happy to hear that you appreciate it so much, especially because it is a regular part of your world.
