Until a few days ago I hadn't been to a legitimate zoo in quite some time. Probably because I'm not really a zoo person. Learning about and getting to see exotic or endangered animals semi-up close and personal is great. That part I enjoy. It's the other visitors and fanatical/ border line obsessed zoo keepers/ workers that keep me away. Zoos feel a little bit like Disneyland to me...a lot of little kids and nerdy park staff. However, since the Woodland Park Zoo is less than 10 minutes from where I live and actually a pretty reputable tourist spot well loved by locals too, it made my Seattle-do list. I have to admit I was pretty impressed - great park layout and attention to detail, all the animals you'd hope and expect to see at the zoo, and highly informational. My nerdyness was brought out by the knowledgeable guide who lead us around the park so maybe I just needed to visit the right zoo to really appreciate the experience.